Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Big Shrimpin' Spending G's

Listen up you shrimpletons. I'm about to drop knowledge on y'all.

I'm just a Po' Boy from a po' family, or at least I used to be...

My clothes: raggedy. My body: unclean. And my stomach: tragically vacant. My American Dream was turning nightmarish. I needed to make a change; I needed to make an investment. So, I took my 32" Toshiba TV, circa 2002, down to the local prawn shop. After nearly an hour of haggling with the shrimpy man behind the counter, I convinced him to pay me $24 for my darling Toshiba. With $24 in hand and a head full of ambition I boarded a bus destined for the South Hill. As I stepped off my shuttle I could already see my bright future and Casper Fry's. I marched straight into to Casper Fry's (not under a cloak of darkness and smoke this time) and took a seat at the bar. I slammed my cash down and made an investment in flavor. As my Shrimp Po' Boy approached they bar I felt the winds of change brush against the neck. I slowly savored my sandwich and as I ate I knew that I would no longer be a Po' Boy.
As I left Casper Fry's the power of shrimp compelled me to buy a scratch ticket. I had $11 left to my name at this time. I spent $10. I won $1,000,000. After my initial elation subsided I chose to invest my money once again, only this time in the steak market. My financial decisions have paid dividends and although my accountant does not permit me to discuss these matters, I can assure you that my days as a Po' Boy are well behind me.

Life is shrimple now. I live in a quaint mega-mansion in the heart of New York City, I wear leather 3 piece suits, I gorge myself on Shrimp and White Wine and I own a pet Shrimpanzee. 

Shrimp changed my life, and it can change yours too.

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