Sunday, April 14, 2013

Feasting Like It's 1092

It's true what the Vikings say. Rape and pillage really do take it out of you. And even though I may not have ever done any literal raping or pillaging in my life, I still sometimes find it appropriate to reward myself in true Viking fashion. 

While scavenging for food in the forest of Fred Meyer I spied the hearty hocks of a full grown turkey.
I hastily procured the turkey meat and brought it home to my castle for pepperaration. Upon arrival at my dwelling I was greeted by my brethren, William The Brute. He was in the mood for feast, much wine, and fine wenches. We dressed our bird in the Far East's most exotic spices and then placed it in my fire box for precise cooking. Three hours and many wines later, the feast was ready to commence. The barbaric meatsacre that followed is best described through digital drawing, so without further adieu, I present to you photographic proof of the most savage meal of my life. 

P.S. I violently vomited up a horrific combination of Turkey and Wine later that night. 
Note to self: Drink less wine. Eat more turkey.

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