Sunday, April 7, 2013

Let The Flames Begin

No matter rain, shine, or bacon brine, meat blog friends, it's barbecue time!

Open season on seasoned meat has officially begun and I'm just so gosh darn excited I can barely hide it. I was so jazzed that after breaking a bottle of fine champagne on the side of my Weber Grill I proceeded to christen it with a shish-load of kabobs.

The key to killer kabobs is all in the composition. With the shish, willy-nilly preparation will only lead you to undesirable results. So, with the exacting skill of a Jedi on Adderall I perfectly parceled out ingredients.
Then, combining the touch of a masseur and the precision of a surgeon I meaticulously ordered my ingredients. Each new addition to my totem poles of shish amplified the ideal interplay of pineapple, mushrooms, green peppers and steak.
With my majestic skewers properly prepared and the barbecue preheated to flaming hot it was time to lay down the law. One by one I delicately positioned kabobs in their appropriate resting place.
With all my kabobs in a row, I was left to play the waiting game. Calm, unfidgety, patients has never being my strong suite, thus I turned to modeling.
Like clockwork, as our photo shot was nearing completion, so too were the precious kabobs. With the gold medal for Olympic Waiting hanging effortlessly around my neck and a belly full of excitement I ravenously attacked my creation. Victory may be sweet but Shish Kabobs are juicier.

Until next time, I'm transforming my house into the BBHQ (aka The Barbecue Headquarters) and I'm beginning production on the world's first rhubarbeque pie. Catch y'all on the flip side of the burger.

1 comment:

  1. Hey long time reader first time poster, big fan, thanks for taking my post.

    I was wondering, does kabob derive from kawilliam?
